Few Ways You Can Become A Self Taught Programmer (Guide) - Unique tech information

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Few Ways You Can Become A Self Taught Programmer (Guide)

Programming is the act of writing series of computer codes to be executed by a computer. Programmers are responsible for creating programs, software, application, Websites and anything you think that requires coding knowledge

Becoming a self taught programmer is not an easy journey and you should be prepared for it. Don't worry this article will guide you effectively.

How do you get started?

They are five processes I have carefully laid down for you when teaching yourself how to become a programmer.

1. Picking a Niche.

2. Find a structure road map for your niche.

3. Learn and practice.

4. Program something.

5. Join a community.

Picking a Niche

When beginning your self taught programmer journey, it is very important that you pick a Niche.  what is a niche? A niche is simply your area of concentration.

Most mistake New self taught programmer do is learning on just about any programming niche. Just starting out they want to learn Website development, application development and so on. Picking a niche helps you focus and make learning faster.


Make sure you don't over overwhelm yourself in your self taught programming journey. Find a niche and dedicate yourself to learning.

Ask yourself what you want to do, 9f you want to go into Website development, you can decide to do fronted or backend development. Choose your path wisely remember that Jack of all is a jack of non. If you want to learn application development, you can decide to go for Android or iOS system. Build yourself in whatever path you choose, and you would see yourself taught programmer journey would be smoother.

Find a structure road map for your Niche

After successfully picking your niche, you need to find a road map that we guide you in your journey.

If you pick fronted programming you can begin with learning frontend languages like HTML, after that you can move to CSS and JAVASCRIPT.


Or if you pick Android programming you can begin with learning a NATIVE language for Android programming, such as KOTIN  then after you can move to Cross platforms like Flutter.

Do your research and get a road map that works for you.

Start Learning

Once you have found your road map you can start learning, you have to look for a resource that you can use in your self taught programmer journey.

Here are the 5 resources you can use to guide yourself in your programming journey

Free code camp
W3 school

1. YouTube apart from being the world biggest video search engine you can use YouTube on your programming journey, they are turns of tutorial videos available on YouTube. Once you learn the basics you are good to go on building a project.

2. Udemy courses is one of the best courses you can come across online, accept from this you we find real professionals who are willing to teach you the basics to build real time project and help you in your programming journey.


3.Skilshare is an open platform for learning with just a monthly subscription or annul, you can get your hands with your desired programming niche, Skillshare courses are great, you don't need to watch all programming videos, your main goal is to learn the basics and get your hand running and start building project and  Practice.

Remember you don't learn programming From just reading programming books or watching video tutorial you actually learn programming from doing programming.

4.Free code camp: is a free source for learning just about any language you want, they have professionals who devote themself to teach you can try out their free courses.


5.W3 school is a recommended resource for beginners mostly for website developers, courses on HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, are available and are beginner friendly.

You can build mini project when you are just starting out no matter how little this will help you in your programming journey. The project you build will help you in getting your portfolio ready and job proof and can help you to become a better programmer as you learn to debug and code.

So practice practice!

Program something (Build project)

If you want to make it at the top as a self taught programmer you have to start programming something. Start building project. The best way to learn is to actually start doing.  No matter how many programming books you have read or watched you still need a apply that knowledge.

By building projects, you are actually learning by doing. My advice to you is learn the basics and start building your project.

Join a community
Yes! Been a self taught programmer makes you feel you are on your programming journey alone. This can either break you or make you feel unmotivated, by joining a community of fellow programmer, you learn from them, accept from this you can ask questions that you could not find answers to.

One of the places you can find communities to join is Facebook group,

Telegram, Stack overflow, Reddit, YouTube. You can do your research on programmer community within your Niche and join.

Here is a list of some programmer Community

The Learn Programming Subreddit

Code Newbie


The Learn to Code With Me Facebook Group

Hacker News




Amigos Code group

Important things to know in your self taught programmer journey

Ask questions: When it comes to self taught programmers it is important you learn how to ask questions on your coding journey, by asking questions it gives you more opportunities and opens you to more exposure.

The question can be asked like this:

"Hello, my name is <You name here> I hope you are doing alright. I have been following your content and  I see you are very knowledgeable in <your niche here> I have tried <approach you have taken to solve the bug> Could you pls help  with<input what you need help with> Thank you."

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